May 17, 2020
This will be the last day I post on the blog. I have enjoyed our time together and will cherish every memory we have created! Come back to visit me! I can not wait to see and hear all the great things you all will be doing! Have a great summer! Love You!
- Mr. Williams
Please click through the pictures below to see if any of the items are yours. If they belong to you, please send me an email so I can put it in your bag to pick up tomorrow.
Do not forget tomorrow is the 5th-grade parade/pickup! Our time is 10:30 to 10:50 am. We are to drive through line A. Please bring back any library books or my books. If you can not pick your items up tomorrow, you may pick them up on Wednesday.
Write three pieces of advice to the upcoming 5th graders about 5th grade. Next, write two things Mr. Williams can do to be a better teacher and one positive thing you enjoyed about the year. Email me your responses!
May 14, 2020
If you missed the live session, it will be posted at 4:00pm!
Check back on Monday for posted lost and found items!
Smitha Zoom session starts at 3:00pm. Log on no later than 2:45pm. Click the link below to join the session.
May 13, 2020
Do not forget that we have our last live session tomorrow at 11:00 am. I will post the link at 10:45 am.
Smitha students, you will also have a live session tomorrow with Smitha at 3:00pm. If you do not have a zoom account, please make one today!
Graduation parade/ pick up is May 19th at 10:300 to 10:50 am. We are in LINE A.
Reading - Read the last chapter of Patina. You do not have a discussion question today! Be ready to discuss the last chapter of Patina tomorrow during our live session!
May 12, 2020
We will have our final live session this Thursday at 11:00 am.
Don’t forget that on May 19th, you are to come to the school for your graduation parade and to pick up your belongings. Our class time is from 10:30 to 10:50 am. You are to go through line A.
Reading – Read chapter fifteen and complete the discussion question on the same word document you did yesterday.
May 11, 2020
We will have our final live session this Thursday at 11:00 am.
Don’t forget that on May 19th, you are to come to the school for your graduation parade and to pick up your belongings. Our class time is from 10:30 to 10:50 am. You are to go through line A.
Reading – Read chapter fourteen and complete the discussion question on a new word document.
End of Year Video – Watch the end of year video put together by the fifth-grade teachers!
May 7, 2020
If you missed today's session it will be posted at 4:00pm. Please look under the social studies economics tab.
If you would like to buy a yearbook, do so today! They have very few copies left!! Click the link below to buy one!
April 6, 2020
Micah and Morgan, Mrs. Swint would like for you to play for your black belt on Flipgrid. If anyone else is close to earning their black belt, you should do so as well. Here is Mrs. Swint’s Flipgrid code. CODE: swint9515 Website:
Do not forget we have a live session tomorrow at 11:00 am. I will post the link tomorrow at 10:45 am.
Math – Use your notes and complete the assignment on MangaHigh. Go to
Reading – Read chapter thirteen of Patina and answer the discussion question.
April 5, 2020
We will have a live session this Thursday at 11:00 am! I will post the link Thursday morning!
Reading – Read chapter twelve of Patina. Answer the discussion question on the same word document you did yesterday.
Social Studies – Go to the Social Studies tab and click on Economics. Complete the opportunity cost video and answer the questions below it.

May 4th, 2020
Welcome back to another week of digital learning!
Math – Study your math geometry notes. Next, complete the Freckle Math assignment. If you get stuck, use your notes in your math notebook!
Reading – Read chapter eleven of Patina. Answer the discussion question on a new word document or email.

April 29, 2020
Don’t forget to if you missed the Lovinggood session to login in today at 11:00 am!
Zoom ID: 930 677 3575
Password (the first character is the number 0): 0GhSde
Direct link to the meeting: Meeting URL:
We have a live session tomorrow at 11:00 am. I will post the link tomorrow at 10:45am. Please be on time!
Math – First, watch the Volume Review Video on Education Galaxy. You will find it under the assignments tab. When done watching the video, complete the Volume assignment on Education Galaxy.
Reading – Read chapter ten of Patina and answer the discussion question. Please make sure you are writing detailed answers. If you are in Read 180 make sure you log on to the Read180 app!
April 28, 2020
Lovinggood Middle informed me yesterday that they would be holding another Live session tomorrow. If you did not get into the last session, please email me so I can give you the link. The session will start at 11:00 am.
Lovinggood principal, Mr. Bailey, is going to make an informational video for incoming students and their parents. He’s asking for Lovinggood PARENTS to submit any questions to him via this link
He wants to be sure that he answers all of your questions. Please be sure to submit your questions by Friday, May 1st. Email me with any questions!
We will have a live session on Thursday at 11:00 am. I will post the link Thursday morning.
Social Studies: Go to the social studies tab and click on Economics. Complete the banking activity. Share your answers with me through email or Office365.
Reading: Read chapter 9 of Patina and answer the discussion question on the same word document you did yesterday.
April 27, 2020
Welcome back to another week of digital learning!
If you did not get into the Lovinggood Zoom session, I will be holding a Zoom session to go over the information and answer any questions you may have on Wednesday at 11:00 am. I will post the link to the session Wednesday morning.
We will have a live class session on Thursday at 11:00 am.
Math – Please complete the Volume assignment on Freckle. The password for Freckle is zy2xyn
Reading – Read chapter 8 of Patina. Answer the discussion question on a new word document. You will share your document with me on Thursday.
April 24,2020
If you could not get into the Lovinggood session yesterday, I have attached the PowerPoint below. I will be going over this PowerPoint and answer any questions you have in a live session on Wednesday at 11:00am. Have a great weekend!
April 23, 2020
Lovinggood students, do not forget you have a Zoom session today. You should be logged on no later than 10:45 am. Make sure you have created a Zoom account to be able to participate. Go to to create an account. Click on the link below to enter the session!
Congrats to Mrs. Astin on winning Teacher of the Year! If you had Ms. Astin for AC writing or SGA, send her an email and congratulate her on this great accomplishment! Her email is
Do not forget you will not have any new assignments on Friday! Take this time to make up any work you did not complete this week! Have a great weekend!!
Writing – Click on the link below to log in and complete the RACE method prompt ( The History of Gum). Take your time, and remember this assignment will be graded! If you did not create an account on Tuesday, please do so today!
Class code: healthy fan 97
The winners below had the best RACE method writing on Tuesday. These students will receive a prize from me.
Morgan Black
Kenique Daley
Carissa Miller
Art – Go to the specials tab and complete the how to draw an alien video. When you are done, send me a picture of your alien!
Reading – You do not have to read Patina today. Please share with me your discussion question document.
April 22, 2020
Here is the link for tomorrow's Zoom session for students going to Lovinggood. Make sure to get there 15 to 20 minutes early. You should be on the link no later than 10:45 am!
Math – You have two videos to watch on Education Galaxy. They will be under the assignment tab. These videos will show you how to divide fractions using models. After you have completed the video assignments, complete the dividing fractions problems in the assignment tab. You may work them out using the way you learned in the video or you may solve by using Keep Change Flip – (Keep the first fraction the same. Change the division symbol to a multiplication symbol and Flip the second fraction over.)
Reading – Read chapter 7 of Patina and complete the discussion question on the same word document you used yesterday.
April 21, 2020
Lovinggood Middle students, you will have a Zoom session with Lovinggood on Thursday at 11:00 am. I will post the link on Wednesday. Please get there early. They are only allowing the first 100 students into the session.
Good Job on your assignments for Mrs. Swint! She LOVED them and told me to tell you she misses you all! If you have not turned in your Flipgrid to Mrs. Swint, you need to do so today!
Writing –Today, we are practicing the RACE Method. If you need a reminder of what the RACE method is, click the RACE method video. If not, click on the first link below and click to sign up as a student. Press continue once you get to the class code page. Next, fill out the sign up form by putting your first and last name and creating a user name and password. Once you are in complete the RACE METHOD – Healthy Teeth Assignment. This assignment is a practice. The one you will compete on Thursday will be for a grade.
Reading – Read chapter 6 of Patina and complete the discussion question on a NEW word document. You will write ALL of your discussions for this week on this word document or email. You will share your document with me by Office365 or emailing it to me.
April 20, 2020
Welcome to week six of digital learning! This week we will be using Flipgrid. Your first assignment for Flipgrid will be for Mrs. Swint. Please follow the directions below to get to her Flipgrid account.
Music: Choose one of the options below to complete Mrs. Swint Flipgrid assignment. To get to Flipgrid click on the link below. Once you have clicked on the link below, Scroll down until you see (ENTER A FLIPCODE) type in Mrs. Swint's Flipgrid code. (CODE: swint9515) Once you are logged in, watch Mrs. Swint's video and record the assignment you chose! When you get ready to record it will ask you to login. Your login is your school email. Then click join new grid and type in Mrs. Swint's code again. Be sure to tell Mrs. Swint hello in your video!
Practice a musical instrument or recorder. Click the green record button on Mrs. Swint's Flipgrid page and tell Mrs. Swint the instrument you played and the songs you are learning to play or play the song for Mrs. Swint.
Listen to a song, analyze the lyrics. Click the green record button and tell Mrs. Swint what song you listened to, who it sings it, and what the song is about.
Watch a movie that is a musical. Click the green record button and tell Mrs. Swint what movie you watched, what the film is about, and your favorite song from the movie.
Create a kitchen band and play a song with pots and pans. Click the green record button and record your song to post on Mrs. Swint’s Flip Grid.
Write a poem about how you feel about being quarantine. Click the green record button and record yourself reciting the poem.
Math: Click on the Math tab and read the multiplying fractions section. Once you are done with the multiplying fraction section, complete the MangaHigh assignment.
Reading: Read chapter five of Patina. There is no discussion question today. If you did not turn in your discussion questions from last week, please do so today!
If you missed today's session, go to the social studies tab and click on America Since 1975 to watch it!
April 16, 2020
Click the link to below to join the live session. We will begin at 11:00 am. Please remember their will be no virtual assignments tomorrow!
April 15, 2020
Math – Complete the Freckle assignment on multiplying whole numbers.
Science – Click on the link below and complete the handout. Write the answers in your science notebook. We will discuss in our live session tomorrow.
Reading – Read chapter four of Patina and complete the discussion question.
April 14, 2020
Please do not forget we have a live session Thursday at 11:00 am. I will post the link Thursday at 10:40 am.
Social Studies - Hover your mouse over the social studies tab and click on America Since 1975. Watch the History of Computers video and complete the WebQuest under the video. Write your answers in your social studies notebook.
Reading - Go to the Patina section and read chapters two and three. After reading each chapter, answer the discussion questions on the same document you did yesterday. You will turn in your document to me on Thursday.
April 13, 2020
Welcome Back! I hope you all had a restful and relaxing spring break! I am sure you all have heard by now that the school building will not be reopening for the rest of the school year. ☹ We will continue to learn through our digital platform! 😊The good news for us is we have covered all Math, English/Language Arts, and Science standards. We will finish our Social Studies standards during our live sessions. The district has also announced we will be going to a 4-day school week for the remainder of the year. This means I will not be giving you any assignments on Fridays. Take this time to review on your own or complete any missing assignments you may have. I will inform you as soon as I get information on your 5th-grade dues refund and when you will be allowed to retrieve the rest of your items from the school building.
- We will have a live session this Thursday at 11:00 am. I will post the link Thursday at 10:40 am.
Math – You have an Education Galaxy assignment on multiplying whole numbers. If you need to refresh your mind on how to do this, click on the math tab and complete the multiplying whole numbers section. If you remember how to multiply whole numbers, go ahead and complete the Education Galaxy assignment.
Science – Click on the Mystery Science link below. Watch the lesson on why do we get hiccups. During the video, it will come to a purple “Let’s Discuss” screen, click on the purple arrow on the right to continue the video. At the end of the video, write in your science notebook an explanation of why we get hiccups.
Reading – Since we did not have the opportunity to complete Patina as our next classroom read aloud, we will use it for our next novel study. Please go to the reading section and click on the Patina tab. Here you will find your reading assignments for Patina.
April 3, 2020
1. Please be patient with the scool with the 5th-grade dues refunds. After we receive the money-back from the tour company, the school will write a refund check to you. Please keep in mind this will take time because we have to refund all grade levels their money back for field trips and events.
2. Today will be used as a makeup and retake day. If I emailed you to retake an assignment or make up an assignment, please do so today. If I did not email you, you may start your spring break today! Enjoy your week off please come back to this site on April 13th!
April 2, 2020
1. Our winners of the robot drawings are; Morgan, Eliana, and Jesus! Check out everyone’s robot drawing on the specials tab!
2. If you asked to retake the Education Galaxy assignment from yesterday, it will be available at 10:30 am today.
Reading/ Social Studies – Complete the two reading assignments I have assigned for you on Freckle Reading. Please take your time with the readings.
Art – Go to the specials tab and watch the video on creating found objects art. After watching the video, create your own plate face art. BE CREATIVE!! Send me a picture of your plate face when you are finished!
April 1, 2020
I am having trouble uploading the robot pictures. I will have them up by tomorrow with the winners!!
Math – Go to the math tab and complete the dividing decimals section. Make sure you watch both videos. Once you have completed the section, go to Education Galaxy, and complete the dividing decimals assignment.
Reading – Read for 20 minutes. After reading for 20 minutes, write a five sentences summary of what you just read. Next, write a prediction of what you think is going to happen next and why?
Counseling Lesson – Mrs. Beechler gave you the assignment of finding a way to be helpful around the house. Go ahead and complete this assignment today if you have not already done so. Send me a photo of how you are helping. You may send it through chat, email, or text. If you can not send a photo, let me know what helpful deed you did!
March 30th, 2020
Week 3 of Digital Learning!
1. Do not forget we have a live session tomorrow at 11:00 am. This session will be your only work tomorrow. The link will be posted under the Announcements tab Tuesday.
2. Don't forget to send me your PE activity from Friday if you have not already done so. I am also missing four pirate pictures. Please turn that in as well.
Math – Click on the math tab and complete the multiplying decimals section. In this section, you need to watch the video, complete the study jams interactive session, and complete the four problems in your math notebook.
Reading – Pick one fiction and one nonfiction article to read on Freckle. Please take your time on these two articles. If you do not do well on one, I might ask you to retake the article.
Science – Before watching the Mystery Science video, write in your science notebook how you think hand sanitizer kills germs. Next, watch the Mystery Science video below. After watching the video, write in the science notebook how sanitizer kills germs.
March 27th, 2020
Congrats on making through week two of digital learning! You all are doing very well!
If you have not sent me your robot picture, please do so by the end of the day! Please remember the specials assignments are not optional.
We will have another live session Tuesday at 11:00 am. Please look for the link on Monday to be able to enter the session.
You only have one assignment today. Once you have completed the assignment, you are free to enjoy your weekend!
PE – Please choose one of the activities to complete today. Please remember to practice social distancing while participating in one of these activities. Send me a photo of you completing your activity!
A. Take a walk around the block with one of your family members or walk your dog.
B. Shoot hoops, jump rope, or juggle with sock balls for 15 minutes.
C. Help cook a healthy meal for your family.
D. 25 jumping jacks, 10 arm circles forward and backward, 20 sit-ups.
E. Ride a bicycle for 15 minutes.
F. Complete a dance workout video on YouTube.
G. Jog up and down the sidewalk in front of your house or your driveway 15 times like the fitnessgram pacer test.
March 26th, 2020
It was good seeing you all yesterday! We will start to have more live sessions as the weeks continue!
Congrats to Carissa and Emmanuel for being at the top of our leader board for our Adding Decimals Manga High competition! You will receive your prize when we return to school.
Math – Go to the Math tab and click on subtracting decimals. Watch the video and read the information in this section. Once you have completed the section, go to Education Galaxy, and complete the subtracting decimals assignment.
Science – Go to the Science section and click on Physical and Chemical Changes. Look over the mixtures and solution section. Feel free to write down any notes that you missed from yesterday's live session. Please watch the two videos in this section; (How do we separate the seemingly inseparable? and The Great Picnic Mix)
Art – Go to the specials tab and complete the Art assignment (How to draw a robot). In the video, Mrs. Stephens will say you need a paintbrush and water. If you do not have a paintbrush, you may color your robot instead! Start the video at 2:44. When you have drawn and colored or painted your robot, please take a picture and send it to me through the chat or email it to me at
March 25th, 2020
Good Morning! We have a live session today at 11:30 am. Please click the link below to join us.
March 24th, 2020
Our first live session will be tomorrow on Microsoft Teams we will start at 11:30 am. This session will be the only work we will have for Wednesday. To enter our session, you will click on the link below! If you are joining the live session through phone, you must download the Microsoft Teams app. If you are joining from a laptop or desktop, you do not have to download anything. Tomorrow when you click on the link choose to enter as a guest and type in your first and last name. Once you log in you will be placed in a virtual lobby area until I let you into the session. I will let you into the session at 11:30 am.
Math – Click on the math tab. Next, click on the adding decimals section. Watch the adding decimals video and read the information below it. After completing the section, complete the adding decimals assignment on . Your username is your first name. Your password is dowell20 , and the school ID is 416372 . You may stop this assignment when you have obtained at least a bronze medal. After ten attempts and you have not obtained a bronze medal, you may stop. If you are having trouble logging in please email me!
Reading/Social Studies – Log on to Freckle Reading. You have two assigned readings for the day. Please take your time and do not rush. The password is zy2xyn. After you have completed those two assignments, read for 20 minutes, and write a five-sentence summary. If you are in READ 180, please read on the READ180 app and take a quiz. If you do not know how to log on to the READ180, please email me at .
March 23rd, 2020
Welcome back to week 2 of digital learning! We will have our first live teaching session on Wednesday at 11:30 am. I will have a link for you to click on for you to enter our live session. If you prefer to download the app for the session, it is called Microsoft Teams. I will have more information for you tomorrow!
CONGRATS TO OUR PIRATE DRAWING WINNERS!! Oliver, Charlai, Carissa and Mia! You all will get your prize the day we return to school! Be on the lookout for our next competition this week!
Math – Click on the math link and complete the decimal place value problems in your math notebook. You only have to watch the videos if you need help!
Reading – Click on the link and read the article below. After reading the article, write a six sentence summary on how pencils are made. Next, Watch the video "Trip to the Pencil Factory" that is in the article. Pay special attention to the additional information found in the video that explains how pencils are made at the General Pencil Company. Now reread the article, and watch the video again. What information from the video would you add to the article to improve your understanding of how a pencil is made? Find three pieces of information and write them down in your reading notebook. Feel free to pause the video to write down your observations.
Science – Hover your mouse over the Science tab and go to the Physical and Chemical Change section. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the link to watch the Bill Nye video and fill in the notes for the video in your science notebook. Title your page Bill Nye Chemical Reactions.
March 19th 2020
Congrats on making it through your first week of digital learning! You only have one assignment today. Once you complete this assignment you are free to enjoy your weekend!
Music - Click on the link below and follow these steps.
1. Enter the password - HOME20
2. On the sidebar click Music Theory
3. Click on the Bell Challenge
4. Complete all three levels of the Bell Challenge successfully.
5. Email me and let me know you have become a Bell Master!
I have posted your pirate pictures under the specials page. They are underneath the pirate video. I showed Mrs. Stephens your pirate drawings. I posted her response below! Be on the lookout for another video from Mrs. Stephens next week. I will announce our winners in a video on Monday! Have a great weekend! I miss you all!!

March 19th 2020
If you have not emailed me your pirate picture, please do so today! This was NOT an optional assignment. I have loved seeing all of your drawings. I will be posting them on the specials page sometime today for you all to see! I will announce the top three winners tomorrow!
Morning announcements will be posted on the school website and school Instagram page! Be sure to watch them to stay in the know! You can follow the school Instagram page at @dowellelementary
Your 3rd nine weeks report card will be posted in StudentVue on Friday. If you have any questions about your grades, please email me at
Math – Click on the Math tab and click on Adding Mixed Numbers / Word Problems. Watch one of the two videos posted. If you need more help on adding mixed numbers, watch the other video and click on the math is fun link. Once you have watched a video, complete the five practice word problems.
Reading/ Social Studies – Go to and log in. I will post the directions below on how to log into Clever. Once you have logged in, go to Studies Weekly and start on the assignment. (The Civil Rights Movement) please complete the following sections for today:
The Shadow of Segregation
*The Civil Rights Movement Begins
*Separate but Equal
*Thurgood Goes Down in History
The sections with * have videos that go along with them. Please make sure to watch the videos. They will help you answer the questions when we finish this unit.
Clever Login
Go to Clever.Com and click “Log in as student”.
Type in Dowell and choose our school from the list.
Click “Log in with Active Directory”
Type in your
Type in your Student ID (Lunch Number)
Once you have logged in click on the RED Studies Weekly icon.
Click on the purple newspaper that say Georgia Studies Weekly–Industrialization to the Digital Age.
Complete the first 4 sections
Art – If you did not complete this assignment yesterday, please do so and email it to me. Click on the Specials tab and complete the Art video (How to Draw a Pirate). Mrs. Stephens is going to draw two versions of a pirate, a boy, and a girl. You may pick whichever one you want to draw. Feel free to add your own drip! You do not have to copy her every move. Once you have completed the drawing, color it. Do not worry if you do not have crayons or markers. You can color it when we return to school. Once you are done, take a picture and share it with me by emailing me at . Top three drawings will receive a prize when we return to school.
March 18th 2020
- Just a few housekeeping things to go over!
Our counselor, Ms. Beechler, and counseling intern, Ms. Hester are available for video appointments via Skype with students M-F from 8am - 3pm. Please email her at if you would like to schedule an appointment.
When you email me from this site, make sure you use an email I can respond to. Your school email will not work. The county set that email up as a fake email just so you all could share projects with your teachers. Ask your parents to use their email or create your own Gmail account. Morgan and I were able to communicate very effectively yesterday using his personal email account!
Congrats to Charlai for being at the top of our leader board yesterday on Mangahigh. She received a Gold Medal with 15,836 points. Kenique came in a close 2nd with 15,768, and Carissa rounded us out in 3rd place with 12,131 points. Charlai will receive a prize when we return to school. Be on the lookout for more challenges and ways to win prizes throughout the week!
Keep up the excellent work! I can see everyone is working hard!!
Next week I should have my camera up and running to teach lessons for you to watch! I know you all miss seeing my face!! 😊
Math – Click on the Math tab and click on Adding Fractions. Watch the video posted. If you need more help on adding fractions, click on the two links below and watch those videos. Once you have watched the videos read the three steps to solving fraction addition problems. Next, click on the Splash Learn Link. Scroll down the page until you get to – Fraction Games for Grade 5. Click on Add Fractions. Once you have completed the game, log on to Education Galaxy, and complete the adding fractions assignment I have for you.
Reading – Hover your mouse over the reading section and click on the Summarizing tab. Read the information and watch the videos in the Summarizing section. At the end of the section, watch the short film and write a summary in your reading notebook. If you do not have your notebook, write it on notebook paper. Your summary can be no longer than 5 sentences. Lastly, read for 15 minutes and write a summary of what you read. You may write this on your reading log in the Tuesday section or your reading notebook. If you write the summary on your reading log, do not follow the prompt for Tuesday; just write a summary of what you read.
Art - Click on the Specials tab and complete the Art video (How to Draw a Pirate). Mrs. Stephens is going to draw two versions of a pirate, a boy, and a girl. You may pick whichever one you want to draw. Feel free to add your own drip! You do not have to copy her every move. Once you have completed the drawing, color it. Do not worry if you do not have crayons or markers. You can color it when we return to school. Once you are done, take a picture and share it with me by emailing me at . The top three drawings will receive a prize when we return to school!
AC Writing - Mrs. Astin students do not forget that you have a writing assignment due to her by Friday night 11:00 pm. You can share it with her by Office 365. I have attached the link below to reread the assignment.
March 17th 2020
I have GOOD news and BAD news! Bad news schools are closed until the end of the month. (I know! I know!!! You all miss me already!) The GOOD NEWS IS…. THE MILESTONES ARE CANCELLED!!!!!!!!!
Math – Click on the Math tab and click on Simplifying Fractions. Watch ALL 3 videos on simplifying fractions. Once you have watched the videos click on the math is fun link. Read the strategies they have on simplifying fractions. Afterwards, go to the website . Login in and complete the simplifying fractions assignment. Your login is your first name, and your password is dowell20 . The school login ID is 416372 . If you all have any problems logging in please email me!
- Dylan Phillips your username is Dylan P
- Dylan De Govia your username is Dylan D
Complete this assignment until you have obtained a bronze medal.
Reading – Hover your mouse over the Reading section and click on the Main Idea tab. Read the information and watch the videos in the Main Idea section. Next, complete the reading assignment I have for you in Freckle. Your username is in the front of your agend. OUR NEW CLASSROOM PASSWORD FOR FRECKLE IS zy2xyn . If you left your agenda at school, you can log in through clever. I will attach the directions for clever below.
Science – Hover your mouse over the Science tab and click on Physical and Chemical Change. Read the information and watch the videos in the unit. At the end, complete the assignment at the end of the section. Directions: In your Science notebook, label the title page Physical and Chemical Change Practice. Next, number the page from 1 to 15. Read each example and write C for chemical change; write P for physical change.
1. Go to Clever.Com and click “Log in as student”.
2. Type in Dowell and choose our school from the list.
3. Click “Log in with Active Directory”
Type in your firstname.lastname
Type in your lunch number.
March 16th 2020
Please complete the assignments below for each subject. You will turn ALL work to me when we return!
Math - Click on the Math tab at the top of the page. Click on the Order of Operation blog post. Watch two of the three videos, then complete the eight practice problems. Please show your work on notebook paper.
Reading - Read a book for 20 minutes and write a five sentence summary about what you read.
Social Studies - Hover your mouse over the Social Studies section and click on the Government tab. Please review all the information in this section. Once completed, take the assessment on Education Galaxy.
AC Writing (Mrs. Astin's Class Only) - Complete this Opinion Paper. You have until Friday night to share your paper with Mrs. Astin. Click the link below and complete the assignment that says 5th Grade AC Writing Assignment week of 3/16-3/20.